My farm is located in Lodi, Wisconsin surrounded by the gentle hills of the Ice Age Trail which marks the termination of glacial activity in Wisconsin millions of years ago. Farm preservation land, currently planted in corn and alfalfa, surrounds the pastures.
I breed and sell registered Icelandic sheep and registered Nigerian Dwarf dairy goats.
This update is dedicated to the 7 newbies at the farm—
2 doelings and 2 ewe lambs born here and recently joined by 3-year-old Faye, a solid white ewe, and Mitra, a 6-month-old moorit gray sggm ewe lamb. And so that we don’t forget her, also to Mona who was a late breaking addition, too late for the carousel (ewe carousel new on 2023 update),
but early enough for 2023 breeding.
Zulima (meaning lyrical/friendly sounding and also meaning peace from Latin/Hebrew origin) is a white spotted doeling from Zeus and Klondike. Zita (meaning to seek/seeker from Latin/Greek origin) is a white doeling with gray and tan patches from Snowy and King. Zoey (meaning life in Latin) is a black gray sggm ewe lamb from Undina (Dina) and Valgerour. Zo’phia (meaning wisdom from Greek/Latin origin) is a moorit spotted sggm ewe lamb from Mona and Taeyang.
The photos and updates from 2023 can be seen on the
2023 Archive page, which is linked directly below.
2024 kidding and lambing was late, as breeding was delayed by difficulties procuring hay, late shearing and late pasture prep. The 14 kids (7bucklings and 7 doelings) sold quickly with the two staying on. The 18 lambs consisted of 14 ewe lambs and 4 ram lambs. Again with 2 staying on.
8 or 9 of the younger ewes will be bred - Ebony, Rosa, Mona, Dina, Ginny, Venus, Violetta, Mona, and possibly Ylfa. The Lauga and Lyra yearling ewes were sold with young rams Ulrik and Porter as a starter flock. Taeyang and Valgerour will be repeat breeders. Ymur and Alsey will join them.
Aurora with Nugget & Brokkr
Venus with lambs Lumi & Rakel
Mona with ewe Zo'phia and ram Duncan
Mom Ginny with Sunny (L) and Greta (R)
Rosa with Olga and Olena
Ny with Pancakes and Sweet Tea
Ebony with Ninety Percent and Sindri
Violetta with lambs Birna & Ditte
Dina (Undina) with Zoey and Rok
2023 was a sad year with Reyna, who crossed over the rainbow bridge from pneumonia since the previous 2024 website update. She was a ewe who had a fair amount of phaeomelanin pigment and who passed on the gorgeous color to her lambs.
Also, we regret the 2024 passing of Cryssalis, a doe who was bred for the first time, and likely also developed pneumonia. Her kids were nursed by her two pen mates and grew well.
Check out the ewe and lamb family photos in the photo slider above.
The updated photos above of the four rams in full fleece leave no question that these four rams are ready for 2024 breeding.
Late Breaking News Update:
December, 2023:
A link to the Agri-View news article, Sheep intrigue genetics 'nerds'
is below. Click on this link to view article and see more photos.
In the picture at right, Barbara Stinson from Farm of Beauty is the first person on the left.
Photo below is from an earlier article Agri-View, Spice of life woven into Icelandic sheep by Lynn Grooms from Nov. 8, 2019
I am a proud member of the following organizations:
ISBONA (Icelandic Sheep Breeders of North America), Canadian Livestock Records Corporation, American Dairy Goat Association, Wisconsin Dairy Goat Association, and Wisconsin Sheep Breeders Cooperative.
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Farm of Beauty Goats and Sheep / Derber Design