A small hobby farm was the perfect venue for me when I retired. As long as I can remember, I have considered myself the penultimate craftsperson--knitting, sewing, cross stitching--to include pattern design, gifts, and more challenging projects such as smocking. My house always sported a great garden, sometimes at the expense of a "normal" yard. And, in cold winters with short days, I took up baking my grandmother's recipes. As soon as I could, I bought a small farm in Wisconsin so that I could be near my grandchildren and pass on my love for my hobbies.
I chose to breed Icelandic sheep because their wool was scarce in the US and for years the classic lopi yarn was my favorite. I added Nigerian Dwarf goats, dairy sheep and of course chickens so that I would have plenty of fresh milk and eggs for my baking and for making tasty, hard-to-get cheeses and much more like homemade ice cream.
I love my animals and treat all of them like pets giving them individual attention and training. They are raised holistically by grazing and feeding on fresh high quality grass hay with managed grazing and pasture rotation to minimize parasite exposure, by including kelp in the diet to enhance immunity, aid digestion, decrease stress, and enhance coat quality, and by using natural products such as diatomaceous earth for pest control. I currently have professional help shearing the sheep twice a year but otherwise manage the entire farm with help from my son.
I currently sell yarn from Icelandic sheep. Some of the fleeces are sold after skirting and some are sold to hand spinners but most are brought to a mill to be custom processed for my Etsy shop and for selling from my home.
Icelandic sheep are considered a primitive triple breed (fiber, milk, meat) sheep, one of the oldest and purest breeds of sheep. You can read more about this ancient breed on the ISBONA website. I offer yarn and high quality fleeces in a range of natural colors and patterns that are characteristic of the breed. See more info on our For Sale page. The dual coated fleece is soft yet strong and water resistant and is considered a premium wool for handspinners and knitters as well as one of the best fleeces for felting. Milk produced by the ewes is high quality. The Icelandic sheep are also milked to produce high quality cheese.
Domestic goats have been used for thousands of years for their milk, meat, hair, and skins. Dairy goats are an ideal family dairy animal because they are easily handled and can be kept on small parcels of land. Milk from the goats is used for a variety of dairy products as well as body care products such as soaps and lotions. In addition to raising dairy goats for homestead milk products, in the spring I offer the kids for sale as they make excellent pets and are easily raised by 4H and FFA members. You can read more about dairy sheep on the American Dairy Goat Association website and general information websites such as Wikipedia. See more info on our For Sale page.
Scott and Fireball
Several years before my retirement, I decided to buy a small farm to raise sheep. Based on the hardiness and diverse potential of Icelandic sheep, in Fall 2014 I purchased a small starter flock and undertook the challenge to start the Farm of Beauty. With the assistance of my son, I started the long process of making an old, unused farm turned rural residence into pasture, fencing, barns and all else that was needed to start the process. Two yearling Nigerian Dwarf goats were soon added. The Farm of Beauty became The Farm of Beauty Goats and Sheep.
In spring 2015 when the lambs and kids were born, I started milking my goat ewes and soon was making goat cheese. A dozen layer hens completed the starter farm. By late summer, I started to build a small flock of mixed variety sheep. The sheep were chosen for good genetics and hardiness in the Wisconsin area.
In summer 2016, I added two star milker bucks that have high dairy goat association standards. In three years, I reached my goal of 25-35 sheep and goats which are raised naturally and holistically. In Fall of 2017 I offered unsold rams, taking full advantage of the triple breed potential of the Icelandic sheep.
Dairy sheep have been sold.
I currently sell yarn from Icelandic sheep. In addition to single animal sales, I am able to put together a starter flock and offer discounts for multiple purchases.
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Farm of Beauty Goats and Sheep / Derber Design