Amazingly, almost all the ewes cooperated for a photo carousel of ewes (below). The current group reflects relatively minor shuffling. Ebony and Eliza came together in Fall 2020 as replacements for Natalia. When it was decided to keep Dina, Georgette was chosen to stay on with her. Total number of ewes is now 16, all displayed in this carousel.
Lennon (sheared)
Miles (sheared)
Charleston (Charlie)
Here come the "Boys"!
2022 Lambs
2022 was a ram year for lambs. 13 lambs were born to 7 ewes of which 8 were ram lambs, discussed in order of birth. Rosa had two white lambs with great temperament and nice wide horn sets. One that was not sold was swapped for Ulrik. Ebony had a stunning black spotted ram who went to a 4H home where he was castrated and kept as a pet. Her other lamb was a spotted ewe who was sold as part of a starter flock. As previously mentioned Lily had a black spotted ram lamb (Viktor) who was sold to a repeat buyer and a black spotted ewe (Venus) who stayed on here to be bred this year. Aurora had triplets-a spotted ewe, a spotted ram, and a white ram. The spotted ram was very small and passed at about 6 weeks. Noni was bred to Taejang and surprised us with a nice sggm moorit ram lamb who was immediately sold. Leaka had a black and a white ewe lamb-both sold immediately. Lastly, Reyna had a good looking and very friendly ram lamb who expressed a fair amount of phaeomelanin.
Noni's sggm ram lamb
The 2021 ram lambs were all sold apart from Ulfur, kept as a possible replacement for Atlas as already mentioned. When Uggi and Ulfhrafn’s registration papers were submitted, Uggi was registered as an SGGM ram and it was noted that Ulhfrafn and several other sheep in the flock carried the SGGM gene.
As 2022 approached the does were close to mid gestation, the sheep were in breeding groups, and the verdict on whether Atlas would be able to breed again would be decided in 2-3 months.
Based on recent registrations we will continue searching for the sometimes elusive lambs now knowing that the Farm of Beauty Goats and Sheep has bred sheep that carry this designation.
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Farm of Beauty Goats and Sheep / Derber Design