Snowy is now the old lady goat, since Ruby has passed. Ruby was Lola’s doe from the original FOB, who passed from a heat wave in Wisconsin. Snowy was one of the quads from Trixie’s first set of quads, named because she was solid white color. Angel, Ruby’s doe born in 2020 is next oldest. Zeus, Camilla, and Cryssalis (nicknamed Lissa), and Lilly for Lily ewe based on her voracious eating, were all born in 2021. Arie and Enej were born in 2022. Seven does were bred in 2023. As noted in the update, Fireball is joined by King and Klondike. Rocky will no longer be bred.
Scroll down to Farm of Beauty Goats - Bucks section
to see the 2024 Goat Breeding Groups.
Enej and Arie
Cryssalis, Camilla, Zeus
Zeus and her doeling
2024 goat breeding groups are set up for King (Snowy, Zeus, Angel)
and Klondike (Arie, Cam, Enej). Rocky, who is no longer able to breed,
is keeping company with Fireball, who was bred last year, but is also aging.
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Farm of Beauty Goats and Sheep / Derber Design